Monday, May 30, 2011

Seeds & Gameplay Mechanics

The main gameplay mechanic we're planning on focusing on is that of "Seeds". Wilderbrook is an action/platformer at its core, but we want to introduce an unusual style of gameplay. Throughout the game world, Ly will be able to find different colored seeds, which he can collect. These seeds can then be either eaten, planted, or mixed together to make new seeds. Ly can attack by punching, but it is very weak initially. Seeds are his main method of surviving in the world.

Eating seeds generally gives Ly an internal benefit (like additional attack power or a health increase). Planting a seed in the ground below generally causes a magical effect to occur. This effect could be a defensive barrier, an explosive boulder launching from the ground, or any number of other effects.

Seeds can be assigned to the X and Y buttons, which act as "quick slots" a la the Legend of Zelda. This way, you can easily pick your favorite seeds and use them at will, without having to pause the game.

Seeds can be planted by simply pressing the X or Y button. Ly will throw the seed in front of him, and the effect will occur where the seed lands. Holding the L Trigger while you use the seed will cause Ly to eat it.

We have most of the seeds finalized so far. Here's a little sneak peek of a very basic seed and a more complex one:

Vitaseed (Green)
Eat Effect: Instantly recover 10% health.
Plant Effect: A recovery plant sprouts from the ground. Standing near this plant speeds your health recovery, granting you 30% of your total health over 10 seconds.

Zenseed (Purple + Brown)
Eat Effect: You are completely immobilized, but protected from all attacks, for 5 seconds.
Plant Effect: An Altar of Strength rumbles forth from the ground. 50% of any damage you take is transferred to the Altar until it shatters.

There are 15 seeds in total, and they come in five colors: Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Silver -- and then the various mixtures of each. Silver seeds are special and cannot be mixed. Instead, they provide other, more unique benefits...

Next post, we'll discuss some of Wilderbrook's early pre-development; we want to show you the changes we've made to this formula along the way, and get your opinions on how you think we've done!

1 comment:

  1. I really like how this is looking and the mechanics sound fun. The main character looks pretty fun!
